Sunrise Orchards now at 2 locations!
Visit us anytime during Apple Festival. We're just up the hill!

Apple Blossoms Will Be Spectacular This Year!

Hello from Sunrise Orchards!

This rather late and cool spring has us thinking bloom will occur sometime in May.  Please stay tuned for weekly updates, and as full bloom approaches, daily updates.  Bloom this year will be exceptionally profuse with millions of apple flowers on display

As of today, April 20, the buds have not yet shown green tissue but warmer weather in the forecast however will rapidly push blossom development along.  

In the photos, you'll see Honeycrisp trees all pruned and ready to grow a great crop!  The Honeycrisp buds about to open.  Each bud contains five apple blossoms that started to form in June of 2021. 

Right now all signs point to a great apple crop coming this fall!



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